


Småland Swedhouses HB
Nygatan 26, Fågelfors
57972 Högsby Kalmar County

Property Owner

The subject of this agreement is to provide consultancy and
services related to the short-term rental of the Customer’s
property/properties to Guests selected by the Customer
through one or more Platforms based on general criteria.
3.1. In the context of this agreement, the Customer shall:
(a) Declare that they have the right to lease the
property/properties listed at the address where the service
will be provided and that there is no legal impediment to

renting the property/properties on the Platforms. They shall
present a valid and legally compliant title deed or sublease
agreement, which shows their legal ownership or authority to
sublease the property/properties, to Småland Swedhouses
HB upon request.
(b) Acknowledge that Småland Swedhouses HB is not a party
to any rental or usage relationship between the Customer,
Platforms, and Guests, and, therefore, Småland Swedhouses
HB has no commitments or responsibilities regarding the
rental of the property/properties, the use of the
property/properties by Guests, the payment of rent, or any
damages or losses to the property/properties or its contents
caused by Guests.
(c) Accept full responsibility for complying with all legal
regulations and administrative arrangements related to short
and long-term property rentals issued by the Swedish
government, including any requests made by Guests, and
assume full and exclusive liability for their obligations arising
from the rental and services provided by Småland
Swedhouses HB under relevant legislation, agreeing to
indemnify Småland Swedhouses HB for any damages
(d) Be responsible for providing Småland Swedhouses HB
with all relevant information, documents, keys, and any

access/alarm codes related to the property/properties
without delay, or preparing the property/properties for rental

at the specified time determined by Småland Swedhouses
HB. To ensure the services are provided properly, the
Customer shall provide Småland Swedhouses HB with access
information to all Platforms where the property/properties
are listed and shall not change them without prior notice to
Småland Swedhouses HB.
(e) Acknowledge that all actions performed on the Platforms
are done on their behalf and at their own account, and they
are responsible for any liabilities arising from rental
transactions made through the Platforms.
(f) Confirm that at least 80% of the property/properties
specified for service is available for rent during the month
and that they will notify Småland Swedhouses HB at least 14
days in advance if the property/properties are not available.
If any reservations have been accepted on the Platforms for
the days they wish to use the property/properties, they agree
not to use the property/properties on those dates.
(g) Commit to exclusively work with Småland Swedhouses HB
for the duration of this agreement.
3.1. If the Customer fails to fulfill their obligations, which are
necessary for Småland Swedhouses HB to perform its duties,

Småland Swedhouses HB shall not be held responsible for its
inability to fulfill its obligations under this agreement.

3.2. The Parties agree to indemnify each other for any
damages suffered due to any breach of obligations under this
agreement. In case one Party has to pay any compensation or
administrative fines to public authorities or third parties due
to the other Party’s breach of this agreement, the former
shall have the right to claim reimbursement from the latter
without the need for any further legal actions.
3.3. The Website and Platforms may contain links or
references to other websites that are not under the control
of Småland Swedhouses HB. Småland Swedhouses HB shall
not be responsible for the content of these sites or any other
links they may contain.
4.1. The services to be provided under this agreement and
the corresponding fees are specified in the Service Annex,
which is an integral part of this agreement.
4.2. Invoices for the requested and provided services shall be
sent to the Customer monthly. After deducting the Platform
fees, Småland Swedhouses HB shall charge a commission fee
of 30% (including VAT) as the “Full-Service Fee” and invoice

the Customer accordingly. The remaining amount will be
invoiced to the Customer monthly.

4.3. The cleaning and operation fees collected from Guests
shall be the responsibility of Småland Swedhouses HB, and
the Customer is not a party to these services and fees.
Accounting for these services and fees shall be handled
between Småland Swedhouses HB and the Guests.
5.1. Småland Swedhouses HB shall make payments to the
Customer’s specified bank account in SEK (Swedish Krona).
5.2. Småland Swedhouses HB shall make payments to the
Customer based on the exchange rate on the date of
payment, and by the second week of the following month
(between the 8th and 15th), Småland Swedhouses HB shall
provide the Customer with a payment report and relevant
6.1. Force Majeure refers to unforeseeable, unavoidable
events beyond the control of the Parties, such as general
strikes, lockouts, wars, natural disasters, fires, coups, terrorist
attacks, pandemics, etc., or any laws, regulations, or decisions
of competent authorities. If such circumstances occur, the

Parties’ obligations shall be suspended, and if the situation
lasts for more than 30 (thirty) days, the Parties shall come
together to discuss rescheduling performance dates or
termination of this agreement.

The Parties shall take all necessary precautions to safeguard
any personal data shared by the other Party under this
agreement and shall not use such data for any purpose other
than providing the services under this agreement.
Furthermore, they shall not share this data with any third
parties without prior consent.
The Customer hereby provides prior and express consent for
the property’s address information, photos, location, etc., to
be advertised on the Platforms for the performance of this
agreement. The Customer has been duly informed and
consents to the sharing, processing, and reproduction of this
data with the Platforms and/or Guests. The Parties are also
responsible for taking all necessary physical, technical, and
administrative measures to ensure an appropriate level of
security for personal data under the Personal Data Protection
Law No. 6698, and they shall bear responsibility for any
failure to comply with this obligation. In case of any
unauthorized acquisition of personal data, they shall notify
the other Party immediately.

8.1. All notifications and communications under this
agreement shall be made in writing and shall be deemed valid

when delivered to the addresses specified above or to any
other address notified in writing by the respective Party.
8.2. Any changes or amendments to the provisions of this
agreement shall be valid and binding on the Parties only if
made in writing and signed by both Parties.
8.3. This agreement is governed by and shall be interpreted in
accordance with Swedish laws.
8.4. This agreement consists of nine main articles and has
been signed by both Parties in two copies on the date
specified in Article 1 and becomes effective as of that date.
The term of this agreement is one year from the date of
signature. Unless terminated, the agreement will
automatically renew for successive one-year terms without
the need for any additional action. If the Customer
terminates this agreement before the end of the term, and at
the time of the actual termination, the number of property
rentals under this agreement is less than three, the Customer
agrees to pay SEK 5,000 (+VAT) to Småland Swedhouses HB
for the work done related to the rental of the property. Any
such amount may be offset against any debts owed to
Småland Swedhouses HB.

8.5. Småland Swedhouses HB cannot assign or transfer this
agreement and any rights and obligations arising from this
agreement to third parties without the prior written consent
of the Customer.

This agreement consists of nine main articles and is signed by
both Parties on the date specified in Article 1. The agreement
shall be effective for one year from the date of signature.
Unless terminated, the agreement will automatically renew
for successive one-year terms without the need for any
additional action.

Småland Swedhouses HB
Nygatan 26, Fågelfors
Högsby Kommun, Kalmar Län

Owner of Property